1st Jump Course - Skydive Europe

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The first jump course consists of a theory lesson (from 6 to 7 hours), sports insurance and the 1st autonomous jump in freefall from 13.000 feet, i.e, it corresponds to the first level of the AFF. The student jumps accompanied by two instructors who remain with him throughout the freefall, conducts deployment simulations and it is the student who deploys his own parachute. The jump is filmed by the instructor so that a final evaluation can be conducted with the student after the jump, as well as to have something to remember it by and show to friends and family. After the parachute is open, the student is accompanied during the flight with open canopy by communication via radio with the instructor. The images of the IQL Course, edited in DVD, are only 30€.

The theory lessons have duration of approximately 6/7 hours and can take place during the week.

This course is the first step for the initiation in freefall, where that student can experience all the emotions and decide to move on to the following levels which complete the AFF course.

Who is this meant for?
This course is meant for all those who wish to pursue an activity related to skydiving.




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